Altar Servers

The Altar Servers Ministry

“…it is the liturgy through which, especially in the divine sacrifice of the Eucharist, ‘the work of our redemption is accomplished,’ and it is through the liturgy, especially, that the faithful are enabled to express in their lives and manifest to others the mystery of Christ and the real nature of the true Church.”

(Vatican II, The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, n.2)

SAAS: Saint Anne’s Altar Servers



The sacristans together with volunteers attend to the liturgical needs of worship with regard to the cleaning of the sacred vessels, the ordered arrangement of the liturgical space, liturgical rituals and other arrangements.

To help at the altar of the Holy Mass to make it more meaningful.
Ministrants / Alter-servers give their service during the Holy Mass with major attention, respect and reverence. Participate in one of the weekend Masses.
Necessary guidelines, training and support will be provided in order that the Altar-servers are properly prepared to partake in the celebration.
Boys and girls who have received their First Holy Communion; one who understands the importance of the service as he / she is one of the closest persons to the Altar and to the Priest representing Jesus Christ during the celebration of the Holy Mass.
Regular attendance of the Holy Mass and monthly meetings for information and training.